Trilateral UZH – HUJI – FUB Online Science Fair on Digital Humanities
News vom 18.03.2022
The University of Zürich (UZH), Hebrew University of Jerusalem (HUJI) and Freie Universität Berlin (FUB) are jointly launching a science fair on Digital Humanities. The aim of the fair is to identify researchers from both the Humanities and the “Hard” Sciences who are interested in the application of digital/computational approaches in the Humanities and to offer them an exploratory platform to connect, discuss, and to form potential inter-university collaborations.
Date: Wednesday, June 8th 2022, 9-13.00 CET/ 10-14.00 ISTKeywords: computational text analysis, data mining, databases in the humanities, digital editions, digital visual arts, GIS, image/signal processing in the humanities, mapping, network analysis, non-invasive analytical techniques, social media harvesting, spatial DH
Relevant fields (in addition to humanities, including, but not limited to): data science, computer science and electrical engineering (NLP + image processing), applied mathematics, geography (GIS), analytical chemistry, archaeology.Registration: We invite interested faculty, postdoctoral, and doctoral students from all fields to register. Faculty members who would like to give short presentations of their current or future projects kindly indicate this in the according section of the registration form (presentations may be given by any member of the relevant lab; i.e., not necessarily by the PI).
Venue: online
Please register here.Deadline for registration: Monday, May 18th
Academic leads and contact persons at each university:
UZH: Prof. Dr. Wolfgang Behr
HUJI: Dr. Renana Keydar, Dr. Barak Sober
FUB: Prof. Dr. Frank Fischer, Dr. Dennis Mischke