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An introductory Course to the Programming Language Python

29.04.2024 | 10:00 - 12:30

Python for Poets is a practical introduction to the Python programming language with a focus on the analysis of humanities text data. Participants will learn the most important basics of Python programming as well as how to use more complex text analytical tools (e.g. spaCy). This will give participants an impression of which parts of their research can be automated and what possibilities Python offers in this context.

Dozent/in Henny Sluyter-Gäthje & Daniil Skorinkin, Netzwerk Digitale Geisteswissenschaften der Uni Potsdam
Veranstalter Universitätsbibliothek
Sprache Englisch
Maximale Teilnehmerzahl 20
Anmeldung → Online anmelden
Raum Garystr. 35-37 HFB/K II Konferenzraum Konferenzraum II
Beginn 29.04.2024 | 10:00
Ende 29.04.2024 | 12:30

The event is part of a 4-part series. The other dates are:
April 15, April 22, April 29, 10-12:30 each day.

Please register for each appointment individually.


Researchers & Teachers at Freie Universität Berlin


Ideally, a Google account is required for participation. 
Alternatively, the "Anaconda" software must be installed on the laptop: https://www.anaconda.com/download

Zeit & Ort

29.04.2024 | 10:00 - 12:30

Garystr. 35-37 HFB/K II Konferenzraum Konferenzraum II